We are Transmedia Storytellers, writers, game designers and entertainment concept developers. Hit us up at info@yourcupoftea.se if you want to talk!
”Man, this stuff is deep. It almost feels like we're "playing with fire" so to speak. This game has moved up to number one my following | participating | lurking (all of 'em) list!” - SamuelofR247
Tea4Two was founded 2007 from a production group of The truth about Marika for Swedish television station SVT and The Company P. This was Sweden's first pervasive cross-media project, and was in many ways a great success. The project won an international Emmy-award 2008, which came to be a great stepping stone in a still young branch of the business.
Two years later we created the ARG for Heroes-creator Tim Kring’s and Nokia’s latest pervasive social benefit project, Conspiracy For Good. A project we feel very proud and privileged to have been a part of. For a year, we worked close with Tim Kring and Nokia to create and expand a story universe that came to be enjoyed by participants on mobile phones, blogs, webisode videos, songs, audio recordings, chats and emails.
“Yesterday I reported a (supposed) travesty centering on The Pirate Bay and a company called Blackwell Briggs. The firm had had (supposedly) threatened TPB, prompting a hilarious response from Winston. But actually, it was part of a sharp viral ad campaign for the Conspiracy For Good, a “new movement driving real world change through interactive storytelling” with Nokia as the primary facilitator, and the famed (now) magnet site as a launch pad.” - p2p News
”Bloody hell! I thought the emails I was getting felt more real than the normal ARG fare but going as far to send you a take down notice Azure! Blimey!” - Grindboy